Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Privacy Policy for Capture View 4K

1. The app requires permission for your camera and microphone.
2. The camera is required to see the device input on the screen.
3. The microphone is required to hear the device input on your speakers or any other output device you choose.
4. The camera or microphone captured data is not stored.
5. The app does not collect or store any information about you or about your computer.
6. The app only stores the least selected input and output devices locally on your computer so the next time you run the app they will be selected again.
7. The app does not require any internet access.
8. Purchases are not available on the app and you will never be requested to insert any billing information inside the app.
9. There are no advertisements on the app.
10. All the above might change on the future and you will have the ability to choose not to use the app in the case if that does not fit you.
11. The app is installed via the Microsoft Store and the developer of the app is not responsible for their doings, and their privacy policy overrides this privacy policy on any collision.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pokemon auto player for TAS

I have uploaded some old script for automatically catching pokemons on pokemon yellow using gameboy advance emulator.

This script: 
1) uses autoit v3 
2) to play pokemon yellow 
3) on gameboy advance 
4) it can calculate max stat and stat at any level (using equations from bulbapedia or serebii, i cant remember from where). 
5) return the stat of a caught pokemon using "ocr" 
6) return the name and level of a seen pokemon. 
7) i am positivly willing to add any more needed functions or support more emulators if required by the community.

See the code here:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

SMT - Statistical Machine Translation

I added here a presentation I made about statistical machine translation last year. I found this helpful while implementing the models.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I decided to implement some Computational Geometry I learn. This topic interests me.

This is the rep:


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Python wrapper for WEBM library

Hi all,
Here a wrapper to the WEBM format codec. I found the source code for WEBM encoding and decoding  in the internet (dont really remember where), I took the compiled lib and the headers and compiled it into a dll (created vpxmt.dll from vpxmt.lib).
Then, I used gccxml (compiled in my cygwin env) and some changed python files from ctypes.wrap to import the library to python.
It requires python only (I tested it on python 2.7). The rest of the things are in the source control.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Optimization for Decision Tree

I noticed that when using Decision Trees to learn about some training examples, and there are 2 examples with same attributes but different classification, we can improve the performance of the tree creation.
Actually, when we are using the regular algorithm (with gain calculations) we get gain equals to zero. The regular algorithm doesn't check if the gain is zero, so the tree is fully opened until there are no attributes left, and we have our 2 examples with different classification.  
My suggestion is to stop developing the tree if we reach gain = 0, and return a node with the default value (most common classification in the given examples of the current level).
